A key pillar for ISI is to commit to addressing the issue of gender inequality and diversity in the film and TV industries.
ISI promotes equality of participants on all our courses with a focus on accesibility across gender, ethnicity, abilities and socio-economic status. A major focus is placed on diversity and inclusivity with regards to participants, speakers and experts and ensures the equal inclusion regardless of gender, age, sexual orientation, abilities and ethnicity. ISI strives to offer an environment where everyone is treated with dignity and respect. It values inclusivity, appreciates difference, welcomes learning from others, and considers people equal without prejudice or favour. We will hold ourselves to the highest standard.
Working to achieve enhanced levels of diversity and equality of those developing a career in the audio-visual industry.
Diversity and gender equality are embedded within the selection process on all courses meaning having the objective of a 50/50 percent ratio between women and men for speakers, the jury, administrative boards.
Courses will have a minimum participant commitment of 50/50 gender split.
Data collection and monitoring: gender data on students and speakers across all programmes will be published annually.
Diversity scholarship’s are reserved to people from migrant backgrounds to pro-actively create access for someone from a diverse socio-economic and/or culturally different background to their chosen new home country. Extra funds have been put aside to give this scholar extra support.
For working parents who have childcare responsibilities we have a childcare bursary available for all courses.
An inclusive and diverse pool of talent (students, speakers and experts) across our programmes.
By enhancing equal opportunities we are contributing to the diversity in the film industry.
We see it as vitally important that as an organisation, we represent a contemporary Europe with all its uniqueness, originality of voice and cultural diversity. Through our selection criteria and the monitoring of our annual statistics we can adjust or implement tools to ensure to meet this goal.