ProgrammeSuper Early Bird Fee
(If applying before 31st December 2024)
Early Bird FeeEarly Bird Closing DateRegular Fee
Pro Pro: Producers Programme for Women*
The Audience Design Lab1.650,- Euros excl. VAT (For 2 People) + 350,- for extra person1.755,- Euros excl. VAT (For 2 People) +400,- Euros for extra person14th February 20251.950,- Euros excl. VAT (For 2 People) +400,- Euros for extra person
Business and Legal Affairs1.275,- Euros excl. VAT1.350,- Euros excl. VAT28th April 20251.500,- Euros excl. VAT
Market Ready800,- Euros excl. VAT855,- Euros excl. VAT26th May 2025950,- Euros excl. VAT
Sustainability Management800,- Euros excl. VAT855,- Euros excl. VAT23rd June 2025950,- Euros excl. VAT

*Special conditions apply. Please visit: ProPro Participation

Fees include food during the programme as well as during specified networking events. What is not included in the fee: Accommodation, Travel expenses.

Promo Code discounts are not combinable with each other or with any other discounts (i.e. early bird discount, LCC fee, International Screen Institute financial support).


Do you want to apply for an International Screen Institute Scholarship? Financial support from the International Screen Institute is usually up to 50% off the regular fee. In exceptional cases, the discount may be raised. 

Thanks to Creative Europe Funding, ISI has partial scholarship support available for participants who wish to attend this course from Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Georgia, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia and Ukraine.

If you are not from a Low Capacity Country and can give us a good reason that you are in need of financial assistance and your national screen agency does not fund training in principle, please contact us before submitting your application to discuss whether you can apply for financial support. We have very limited funds available for a limited number of participants in genuine need.

For working parents who have childcare responsibilities, we have a childcare bursary available and a bursary for participants who need extra assistance due to disability or impairment available.

LCC Discount

Are you a national of low-capacity country (LCC)? The discount for participants from LCC countries is 50% off the regular fee. In exceptional cases, the discount may be raised. Please provide a short explanation why you feel you need additional financial assistance to attend the programme, should your application be successful.

Please provide a short explanation why you feel you need financial assistance to attend the programme, should your application be successful.

The following countries are considered countries with a low audiovisual capacity as classified by Creative Europe: 

LCC group A: Croatia, Czechia, Estonia, Greece, Poland, Portugal, Romania 

LCC group B: Albania, Bulgaria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Cyprus, Hungary, Iceland, Latvia, Lichtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Montenegro,North Macedonia, Republic of Serbia, Slovakia and Slovenia.

We actively encourage participants to research and apply for financial support with your national/regional funding bodies first who may have bursaries and grants to cover training and professional development.

Please get in touch with the MEDIA Desk in your country/region to enquire about possibilities for financial support for participation in MEDIA funded trainings. Please also note that participation cost for attending a MEDIA- training is accepted as eligible cost in MEDIA Development grants.

We are currently reviewing all the national funds available in Europe. Thank you to the MEDIA Desks for their help in assembling this information. If you know of any further support schemes, please let us know via email

Booking terms and conditions for participants

If you are unable to attend the International Screen Institute course due to (certified) health reasons (e.g. Covid infection), please contact our office. We will consider alternative possibilities for your participation and if no option is suitable, we will allow you to use the payment you have made against the next edition of the course. If you are unable to attend the International Screen Institute course due to any other reasons, please contact our office as soon as you become aware of your impossibility to attend. Depending on the time of your notice, and on the costs we have incurred in connection with your booking, we may not be able to refund part or all of your participation fee. Your case will be dealt with on an individual basis. We reserve the right to cancel or postpone a course if circumstances require it. In this case, your participation fee will be transferred to the rescheduled dates. If you are unable to attend rescheduled courses, you will be entitled to a full refund. If you have any questions about the programme, the application form or financial support needed to attend this course, please email

Applications are welcome from individuals of all nationalities!

Contact the MEDIA Desk at

Members of the Academy of Austrian Films and FAMA get 10% discount on the course fees.

Members of VAM (Verwertungsgesellschaft für audiovisuelle Medien GmbH) can apply at the SKE Fonds of VAM for support of the course fees:

Please see point 7.1.1.a of VAM´s SKE-Richtlinie.

Employees of Austrian companies might be eligible for support granted for trainings at AMS. Austrian creative and cultural professionals can inquire support opportunities for training at Team4:

ÖFI Förderung der beruflichen Weiterbildung covers 50% of the training costs. You must hand in your ÖFI application BEFORE the start of the training! Please see the Guidelines:

Contact the Media Desk at


Contact the Media Desk at

Contact the Media Desk at

Contact the Media Desk at

Contact the Media Desk at

Bulgarian National Film Center: Local Language Website –, English Language Website –


Contact the Media Desk at

Hrvatski Audiovizualni Centar

Audiovisual Producers‘ Association (Asociace producentů v audiovizi, APA): Local Language Website –, English Language Website –

Contact the Media Desk at

Contact the Media Desk at

Contact the Media Desk

L’ Afdas

MOIN Filmfund Hamburg:

Medienboard BerlinBrandenburg:

Film- und Mediengesellschaft

FilmFernsehFonds Bayern:

Film- Medienstiftung NRW:

Bildungscheck NRW



MFG Filmförderung Baden-Württemberg:

Mitteldeutsche Medienförderung:

HessenFilm und Medien:

Contact the Media Desk at

Contact the Media Desk at

Contact the Media Desk at

Screen Ireland

Contact the Media Desk at

Contact the Media Desk at

Fondo Audiovisivo Friuli-Venezia Giulia: Local Language Website –, English Language Website –

Trentino Film Commission: Local Language Website –,  English Language Website –

Contact the Media Desk at

Contact the Media Desk at

National Film Centre of Latvia

Contact the Media Desk at

Lithuanian Film  Centre

Film Fund Luxembourg: Local Language Website –, English Language Website –

Contact the Media Desk at

Contact the Media Desk at

Contact the Media Desk at

Contact the Media Desk at

Contact the Media Desk at

Contact the Media Desk at

Polish Film Institute

Contact the Media Desk at

Contact the Media Desk at

Contact the Media Desk at

Contact the Media Desk at

Audiovisuálny fond (AVF):

Contact the Media Desk at

Contact the Media Desk at

UK wide funding

British Film Industry (BFI): The BFI is the lead organisation for film in the UK. It distributes Lottery funds for film and has a wide range of support schemes for film funding

ScreenSkills: A ScreenSkills bursary is a cash grant to remove the obstacles to getting into the screen industries or progressing your career once you’re in. You can apply for money to pay for most things that relate to work and continuing professional development, such as training fees, accommodation, care, disability access costs, equipment, software and travel.


Regional and national funding


The Liverpool City Region Production Fund

Open to qualifying local, national and international production companies, the Fund has been created to help drive the further growth of Liverpool’s film and television sector by investing in a diverse portfolio of high-quality content.

International co-productions with Liverpool-based producers are encouraged.

Full details of the Fund can be found

Potential applicants should complete an Expression of Interest (EOI) prior to completing a full application.


The Yorkshire Content Fund

The Yorkshire Content Fund is a public-private investment fund for the TV, film, video games and digital sectors in Yorkshire and Humber, open to producers either based in Yorkshire or wishing to film or establish a base in the region.

The fund is open to applications but all applicants must complete an Expression of Interest (EOI) form prior to completing a full application.

Find out more


West Midlands Production Fund

The West Midlands Production Fund supports the development of the West Midlands as a dynamic, sustainable film and TV drama hub by providing access to finance for start-up SMEs that are active in moving image content production. Previous investments have included The Girl with All the Gifts.

Any investment by the Fund – either as debt or equity – must be matched £ for £ by an equivalent amount of private and/or public sector risk finance, on terms to be agreed. Coinvestment from public or quasi-public investors such as the BFI, BBC and Channel 4 (excluding broadcast licence fees) as well as in certain circumstances EIS/SEIS and the UK Tax Credit can be treated as eligible match, in addition to investment from independent private sector investors. Projects attracting significant levels of private investment will be given priority by the Fund.

Supported through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), the WMPF accepts applications from producers already based in Birmingham and the West Midlands as well as from companies looking to bring productions to the region.

This is a rolling fund so there is no current deadline for applications.

All prospective applicants must complete and submit an Expression of Interest (EOI) form online prior to making an application.

Find out more


Northern Ireland

Northern Ireland Screen Production Funding

Northern Ireland Screen (NIS) offers production funding in the form of a recoupable loan with profit participation or in limited circumstances, a grant.

The Northern Ireland Screen Fund is open to all legally incorporated companies who can fulfil the British Cultural Criteria and the project Criteria.

Find out more


Production Growth Fund

The Production Growth Fund aims to help grow Scotland’s screen production sector, creating employment opportunities for Scottish crews, encouraging the use of production facilities, providing significant opportunities for the professional development of producers based in Scotland, and delivering a direct and significant economic benefit to Scotland. It seeks to do this by attracting large scale productions, and maximising spend in Scotland. The Fund has a budget of £2m for the period 2018/19 and is available to qualifying productions in the form of a non-recoupable grant.

Producers based within and outside Scotland can apply if they are able to demonstrate that by accessing the Production Growth Fund they will secure major production and/or post-production expenditure within Scotland, employing cast and crew based in Scotland, and/ or using Scotland-based production facilities companies, thereby significantly increasing the economic benefit to Scotland. If you are a producer based outside Scotland, the attachment of a Co-Producer based in Scotland could enhance the overall benefits for Scotland, which taken together with a significant spend to funding ratio will strengthen your application. Applications for the support of projects that aim to maximise training opportunities for crew based in Scotland are encouraged and welcome.

There are no deadlines and applications will be accepted on a rolling basis until all the funds have been allocated. Decisions will take up to 12 weeks from the date we receive your application form and we have all the relevant information required to make a full assessment.

Find out more


Welsh Government

Economic Action Plan
The Cabinet Secretary for Economy has announced the next stage of the Economic Action Plan (EAP) introducing the Economic Contract, Call to Action and Economic Futures Fund. The plan seeks to grow our economy and has been developed to meet the needs of today and to prepare for the challenges and opportunities of the future.

The Economic Contract is the framework for a new relationship with businesses looking to access finance, requiring businesses to demonstrate their commitment to growth, fair work, employee health and skills and reducing their carbon footprint, reflecting the kind of business behaviours that many successful and responsible businesses exhibit.

Designed to help businesses prepare for the future and adapt to the challenges they may bring. For Wales, these Calls to Action are designed to enable more inclusive economic growth by promoting regional strengths and tackling structural challenges.

• decarbonisation
• innovation, entrepreneurship and headquarters
• exports and Trade
• high quality employment, skills development and fair work
• R&D, automation and digitalisation

Economic Futures Fund
The Welsh Government are introducing a streamlined finance package bringing together existing finance schemes into a consistent approach, simplifying the process for businesses and allowing Welsh Government to be flexible in how it uses the resources it has to meet business need, and deliver against the points highlighted in the Economic Contract and the Calls to Action.

For more information email

You can view the strategy on the Welsh Government website.